Sunday Kids

Sunday Kids

We believe that the good news of Jesus is for everyone. So, at St Jude’s, we offer a full kids program on Sunday morning. Kids begin in the main service with their parents, and are led out to their programs by their leaders. 

We have Sunday morning programs running most weeks of the year, for children from preschool to Year 8. 

We take the safety and protection of children seriously. Our adult leaders complete Safe Ministry courses as required by the Sydney Anglican Diocese. Also, our adult leaders are required to comply with NSW Working With Children checks. Our leaders and their teen-age helpers receive regular training and development. If you have any questions please make contact.

Nexus Youth

Nexus Youth

Nexus Youth - Years 6-12
Fridays 7-9pm

Nexus is a youth group for those in Years 6-12. We meet each Friday during school term. 

There’s plenty of time to build strong friendships through hanging out together, playing a wide variety of games, and spending time understanding who Jesus is and thinking through the deeper questions of life, purpose and God. Why not check it out?